Everything you need is included
Grow your festival with powerful extra features
Fiona has many features included, but you can extend it with even more functions. Add one of the following features to further customize Fiona to your needs.
MyFestival integration
Seamless integration with your website
View appointments
Enable purchasing tickets
Collect online payments
Keep track of revenue
Form designer
Expand default forms
Configure forms to reach specific target groups
Complete control over your entry processes
Film market scheduler
Automated 1-on-1 meeting planner
Schedule online meetings
Setup appointment conditions
Use entry forms to collect meeting requests
Reserve tickets for different groups
Keep track of invitees
Allowing invitees to bring a +1
Independent and secure voting functionality
Set up multiple voting rounds
Creating (long) lists from within Fiona
Volunteer shiftpicker
Volunteers pick their own shifts online
Set conditions for shifts and/or volunteers