MyFestival integration: how IDFA provides a seamless user experience
Most festivals have a “MyFestival” environment on their website: a place where visitors and guests can log into their account and buy tickets or festival badges. Sometimes, there is a different environment for guests to fill out entry forms. With Fiona, we give you the possibility to integrate your MyFestival environment with our industry platform to give your guests a seamless user experience.
This way, they only need one login to buy tickets and fill out forms. You can even make important information (such as appointments and invoices) easily accessible to them. Finally, you can allow certain logged-in users to view restricted information throughout your website.
Many festivals are already using our MyFestival integration. Especially the way IDFA uses the module makes a good example. The International Documentary Festival Amsterdam 2020 takes place from 18 November to 6 December – mostly online and, hopefully, partly in cinemas. This article will explain what the MyFestival module entails, how IDFA applies the module, and what you can learn from them.
MyFestival module in short
The goal of connecting your MyFestival environment to Fiona and our industry platform is to help you provide a smooth user experience, whether your festival takes place online or in the cinemas.
Even your regular visitors can also benefit from this integration once you use Fiona’s Festival App. In the Festival App, visitors can create a list of their favorite festival films and buy tickets within your festival app.
Case study: How IDFA uses the MyFestival integration
Industry platform
When you log in to your account on the IDFA website, you will immediately notice how well Fiona integrates with the MyIDFA industry platform. Or actually, you probably won’t notice at all (and that is precisely the point). When you are a guest at the festival, you will find all your open entries, invoices, new forms to fill out, and your appointments in your MyIDFA. When you are a volunteer at the festival, you will find all details on your shifts here.
Based on the user’s account, the website pulls all this information from Fiona: which forms are open, which entries belong to a user, their invoices, appointments, and shifts. Once a user opens a form or an invoice, they will be redirected to Fiona’s industry platform without the need to log in again. The styling of the industry platform matches the festival’s website for an even more seamless feel.
Fiona comes with a stand-alone industry platform for your festival. Although this platform does not integrate with your website, we make sure the styling matches your website.
Appointments & online meetings
In MyIDFA, you have everything in one place. Guests can find all their scheduled appointments, including Q&As, screenings, and other activities.
This year, IDFA moved its entire professional program online, and now, all market meetings will take place virtually. Using the MyFestival integration made it possible for its guests to log in to their account and participate in their online appointments – right from the website of IDFA.
User groups and user rights
Sometimes films are only available for certain groups of viewers, like Docs for Sale guests, jury members, or schoolteachers. In Fiona, you form those groups and grant them the user rights to watch films and videos. All accounts connect to the MyIDFA platform. If someone logs into their MyIDFA account, the website automatically checks with Fiona which user rights the person owns. If this person has the required rights, they can watch films or view film pages. In this case, your admin sets the user rights in Fiona. The website checks and verifies the rules for each logged-in user via Fiona.
IDFA also made a user group for their educational program ‘Docschool Online’. They have set up this online program for Dutch primary and secondary schools. When a school or school class meets all requirements, they can grant teachers access to all selected films and teaching materials.
Ticketing and badges
Fiona doesn’t come with a ticketing module, yet the MyFestival integration can support ticketing and badging. At IDFA, MyIDFA is the link between Fiona and the ticketing system: all accredited guests and all volunteers are published from Fiona to the ticketing system to ensure they all receive the right badge. Once you are an accredited guest at IDFA, you will be able to purchase tickets through your MyIDFA account.
At IDFA, MyIDFA is the link between Fiona and the ticketing system: all accredited guests and all volunteers are published from Fiona to the ticketing system to ensure they all receive the right badge. Once you are an accredited guest at IDFA, the website and the ticketing system will identify you as such. So you only have to log in to your MyIDFA account to get your festival tickets.
Detailed guestlist
Last but not least, once you log in as a guest, you can view all details of the festival’s guest list. The IDFA website retrieves all information on the guestlist from Fiona.
Let's get in touch
Our MyFestival module connects all essentials systems for you to smoothen the complete festival experience for your guests. A brief recap of all its functionalities:
- An integrated industry platform with your festival’s look and feel
- One login for your guests to register for a badge, submit entries, fill out forms, appointments, etc.
- Host virtual appointments from anyone’s MyFestival account (read more on this subject in this article about online marketing meetings)
- Apply viewing rights to specific user groups
- Connect your ticketing system and your Fiona database to ensure all information is always up to date in every system
- Protect the details of your accredited guests by making your guest list only visible after logging into MyFestival
Are you interested in our MyFestival module for your festival? Or, do you want to know more about how Fiona can help you improve your festival IT? Let’s get in touch!